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페이지 정보

작성자 아프락사스 작성일19-09-09 17:14 조회428회 댓글0건


England 3-0 Kosovo

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This is a rare England game played away from Wembley Stadium as the Football Association look to give other fans the chance to watch a national team which is improving and have the people of the country firmly back behind them.

A comfortable win over Bulgaria has maintained England's 100% record in the Group and they should have too much for Kosovo, although I want to give the latter a lot of result for digging deep and performing much better as a team than you would expect of this group of players.

Kosovo have won in Bulgaria and drawn in Montenegro so I expect them to dig in and make life as difficult for England as possible. It might even work for a while, but eventually you would think England will have too much for them and they have been scoring goals for fun in the Group with at least four in each of the three Qualifiers.

England might not get up to that number again, but Kosovo put in a huge effort on Saturday and were perhaps a little fortunate Czech Republic wasted some big chances. It is unlikely to be the case on Tuesday and I will back England to win and cover the Asian Handicap. 


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