
[디마르지오] 마르세유는 에브라를 계약해지하고 방출함

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작성자 곱지폭 작성일17-11-04 12:52 조회111회 댓글0건


After what happened before the start of their Europa League, Marseilles's President (Eyraud) has decided to release Patrice Evrafrom his contract with immediate effect. The player kicked a fan in the head during the warm-up and his punishment has arrived through an official press release:

마르세유 회장은 이번 경기 전 웜업 시간에 
에브라가 팬을 발로 찬 행위를 함에 따라
계약을 해지하고 에브라를 방출하기로 함 :

"Jacques-Henri Eyraud, Marseille President, has met with Patrice Evra today and has informed him of his release from his contract with immediate effect. 

"마르세유 회장은 에브라와 오늘 만나 그에게 즉각 계약 해지하고 방출하겠다고 통보함."

Futhermore, the first results from the club's inquiry has revealed an unacceptable behavior from provocative fans who hurled hateful insults towards the player and his teammates, who were warming up for an important game. 

"중요한 경기를 앞두고 웜업 중에 팬들로부터 에브라와 팀 동료들에게 모욕적인 언행을 한 것은 용납할 수 없는 일은 사실이다."

However, as a professional and an experience player, Patrice Evra should not have responded in this inappropriate way. The club will continue their inquiry and will use any legal means at its disposal to identify the individual who comprised Marseilles's reputation when he entered the field to insult the player instead of supporting him."

"하지만 프로 선수로서 그리고 경륜있는 선수로서 에브라는 팬에 대해 그러한 부적절한 행동을 해서는 안되었다."

"또한 클럽은 선수에게 응원을 하지는 않을 망정 모욕적인 언행을 한 팬에게 법적 책임을 물을 것."



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